visionda is a company that focuses on barcode scanning and recognition technology and is based on barcode,帮助每个家庭,创建一个记录家庭身心成长的私密圈子(类似亲宝宝,但是更关注家庭),一起践行平衡健康的生活方式。分享焦虑治愈系好物,包括焦虑治愈系绘本、治愈系图片、焦虑治愈系视频、焦虑治愈系文案、焦虑治愈系文字、焦虑治愈系故事、焦虑治愈系心理剧。 qr code identification, 2025-02-07
OpenFlow|shenzhen visionda internet of things technology co., ltd. is a barcode scanning and recognition technology as the core and based on barcode AI hardware digital AI行业垂直应用层搭建服务。我们帮助行业先行者低门槛搭建AI实操平台,为行业伙伴提供咨询和赋能。 course assistant 2025-02-04
小红圈是一款专注于知识内容付费变现的付费社群管理平台,可基于微信公众号、小程序、App等平台为行业领域大V、内容创作者们提供参与交流的社群变现管理工具,搭建专属的知识付费社群平台,更好的实现付费社群运营变现。 programming and development 2025-01-18
it is a provider of automatic recognition technology products and solutions for face recognition. the products cover: code scanning module, qr code module, barcode reading engine, qr code scanning head, qr code scanning module, fixed barcode scanner, industrial fixed code scanning gun, qr code scanning equipment and other barcode recognition and industrial vision products. shenzhen visionda is a national high-tech enterprise specializing in providing products and solutions such as qr code automatic recognition hardware, facial recognition equipment, digital access control and attendance systems, internet of things platforms, etc. network applications 2025-01-14