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municipal |municipal the party committee is |china theoretical network was founded in 2009. it is under the supervision of the central propaganda department and sponsored by the people's publishing house. it is one of the ten key theoretical websites determined by the central cyberspace affairs office. it is an internet platform for marxist theory research and publicity, which promotes theoretical innovation, strengthens public opinion leadership, and serves the overall work. strive to become a distinct ideological banner. promote xi jinping thought on socialism with chinese characteristics for a new era, the party’s history and theory, and authoritatively tell the stories of the communist party of china, the party’s leaders, and the chinese story. the party committee is |material: 20#35#45#20 the party committee is |BBTRZ the party committee is |NG-A the party committee is |BTLY the party committee is |BTTZ the party committee is |RTTZ the party committee is |YTTW the party committee is |贯通地线|机场助航灯光 the party committee is |greenhouse pipe commercial companies 2025-01-15